James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Global Daily - Jan. 2012

Every month, one of our supporting churches asks us to write in response to a question so that the congregation can get to know us better and pray for us more specifically.  This is our entry for January, 2012.

Question: Tell us something from your childhood or early adult years which God has used to specially prepare you for who you are and what you're doing now.

I (James) have often wondered at how God has led me through life thus far. I was born a missionary kid in Indonesia and I believe God has often used that to shape who and where I am today. Growing up as an M.K. I always assumed I would work in missions some day. I knew that God had given me a passion for using technology, but I didn't know of many opportunities that combined technology with missions in the way I was hoping.

My work with Power to Change and TruthMedia has brought much of that confusion into focus. I love that I have the opportunity to do something I really enjoy (working with new technology) while at the same time using my skills to make a difference for eternity. I feel like I have my dream job! I thank God that He has given me the privilege of serving Him in this way!

That's not to say there aren't difficulties every day. Some days it's personal, family or health related. Other days it's technology not cooperating. Furthermore, for some yet unknown reason God has not yet seen fit to provide all our support, but we continue to trust that He will provide. In spite of everything though I feel very blessed to be able to do what I do. Our God is gracious and compassionate, rich in mercy and abounding in love.

Prayer requests:

Pray for the new initiative we're developing called “TheLife”. Pray that God would give us wisdom as we work through the details of how it should work. Pray also that it would be effective in helping to encourage, build and stretch believers in their faith. Learn more about it at http://thelife.com/

Pray for our financial support. We still have a long way to go.

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