James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Information :: Archive

Random Pics

Well, now I will be finished updating our blog with current things that have been going on in our lives. Here are just some random  pics of/with the kids that I thought I would post.I love this photo. [gallery link="file"] A funny memory we have of Ben; Ben uses the letter "Y" instead of the letter "L" in words. When my brother Reg found this out he was asking Ben to say all these words...
Published 2010-08-10

San Diego Trip

Well at the end of May we took a trip with our whole family to San Diego to visit Ben and Julia's great grandparents (James' grandparents).  Grampy and Grammy also were going along with us on this trip. We had lots of fun and here are just a few of the pics we took on our trip. [gallery link="file"] Ben had lots of fun on the Merry-Go-Round and till this day still wants to go...
Published 2010-08-10

The last of my brothers got married!

Well, my second youngest brother, Will, got married! He married a sweet girl by the name of Cynthia. So now all my 4 brothers are married. Here are a couple photos that we took at their wedding and the night before. My brother John loves getting down to the kids level and as you can see the kids love it! [gallery link="file"]
Published 2010-08-10

The kids at Staff Conference

Well both Ben and Julia did really well for our time in Whistler for Staff Conference. Ben made himself up a new bed that he loved to sleep in and never went back to sleeping in the big bed after that. He looked so comfy.He would say "I syeeping in the corner" Julia loved scooting around and watching her brother and checking out our bed. I stayed with the kids while James was able to...
Published 2010-08-10

Cute moment from Ben

[caption id="attachment_951" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption=""you having fun byue puppy""][/caption] This was Ben after we got home from Uncle Phil and Aunt Elly's place this evening. He had dropped his puppy on the muddy ground while we were getting into the car and when we got home puppy was going to have a bath. James and I got a kick out of Ben looking into the washer and asking if he was having fun. He was...
Published 2010-08-07

Go, Canada, Go

Ben got this flag from the lady at the Visitor centre on Friday. He proudly waved it around while we walked around Mill Lake. It was beautiful, nice and sunny, 15 degree weather. What a beautiful spring day...I mean winter day.
Published 2010-02-20

The Kids

Julia likes entertaining herself in the bathroom mirror. and Ben...well he likes SUGAR!! Yes, Ben got into the sugar and really enjoyed it. He said it was "tasty".
Published 2010-02-16

My baby brother got married!

Well today Feb. 6, 2010 my baby brother Johnny got married to Katie. Here are a couple pictures from their wedding that I was able to take in amongst juggling children. Ben was their ring bearer. Ben loved the bubbles and tried blowing some with my uncle Jake.
Published 2010-02-06

Of coarse I like apples!

I was at my parents place with the kids while James went to my brother Johnny's stag. Ben found an apple and asked if he could have one and after a couple bites, when I was talking to grandma, decided that he really liked it and wanted one for each hand. He did a good number on them and almost finished them both off. He has not wanted to try apples till now. I have...
Published 2010-02-06

New Email System

I would like to sincerely apologize for the undesirable ads you may have received in my previous email newsletter. Until now I have been using a free, automated, email distribution service that took care of managing my email newsletter subscribers as well as automatically sending out my newsletters when I posted them on our ministry blog. Unfortunately, because it was "free" they also would include advertisements on the bottoms of my newsletters and the one...
Published 2010-01-29

Family Update

[caption id="attachment_740" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Ben and Julia"][/caption] Well, since the beginning of the year we've had a number of interesting family adventures.  First off, Ben seems to have decided that his new years resolution is to allow himself to be potty trained.  Since Julia was born, he has refused to sit on the potty.  Now, since the new year, he has been perfectly fine to go on the potty, and has actually had very few...
Published 2010-01-27

Hurry up and post your guess on when you think our baby's birthday will be!

Well, the estimated due date for this baby to arrive is quickly approaching and with it the end of our baby contest. Our due date is October 8, 2009. You can post your guess on either this post or the other one about the baby contest that James posted earlier. Competition rules are as follows: Guesses must include both a date and time. Guesses must be in by Oct. 1, 2009. The person who guesses...
Published 2009-09-07

Staff Conference 2009

Well, it's that time of year once again when we get ready to go to the annual P2C Staff Conference.  Actually, it's usually a lot of fun and a great time of refreshing, spiritual renewal and renewed vision of where we are heading as an organization.  I find that it really helps us to be more connected to the organization as a whole and gives us the opportunity to hear about all the cool things...
Published 2009-07-21

Ben's big boy haircut

With the weather getting much warmer it was time to give Benjamin a shorter haircut. James and I sat on the floor with Benjamin in the middle and convinced him that it was ok for mommy to cut his hair with the hair shaver. I had to show him on daddy's hair that it was ok, but he did alright and we don't think it turned out too bad for his first real haircut from...
Published 2009-06-09

Benjamin's Cumfy chair

Benjamin loves Rusty! Sometimes as a chair, but other times to roll over or to charge at with his little ride on car or even to give kisses. Rusty puts up with everything that Benjamin does. They love each others company. It's so much fun to see how they interact. The day that this picture was taken Ben was rolling around on Rusty and then stopped and sat on Rusty's bum and watched a bit...
Published 2009-01-31
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