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Competition to Guess Baby's Birthday!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Come one, come all to join in the "Competition to Guess Baby's Birthday"! Yes, you heard correctly... we are having a competition to see who's guess will be the closest to the day and hour when our baby will be born. Our due-date is somewhere around April 28'th, and to participate in the competition you will need to use the comment area at the bottom of this page to...Published 2006-10-26
September Newsletter
Dear Praying Friends and Supporters, Many of you know that one of the most important aspects of our ministry here in TruthMedia is followup. It is all well and good to create great websites with fabulous content reaching thousands of people for Christ, but if we don't follow up with those people and help them to understand what it really means to be a disciple of Christ, our work becomes somewhat meaningless. One of the...Published 2006-09-25
Crusade Staff Conference 2006
Wow, this year is just flying by. At the end of this month, Carolanne and I are leaving for the 2006 Campus Crusade Staff Conference. For those who don't know, this is a yearly conference that is held by Crusade where all the CCC staff meet in a common location and have the opportunity to share the stories and vision of the ministries, encouraging one another and hearing how the Lord has been working in...Published 2006-07-11
July News and Updates
Dear Friends and Supporters, The last few months have been an interesting mix of busyness and rest. Things at Crusade have been reasonably busy these days, as we have been making some fairly large transitions from some old systems, to newer ones. One of these is the system we use to manage all of the email that comes in off the websites. We see approximately 5000 emails a month come in from our sites, and...Published 2006-07-06
James and Carolanne's May Update
Dear Friends and Supporters, Thank you very much for your ongoing prayer and support of Carolanne and I in our ministry here at Campus Crusade. Life has been rather interesting lately both at Crusade and also personally. As many of you have probably heard, there is a new movie out called The Da Vinci Code. While Campus Crusade is not endorsing the movie or suggesting that people should be going to watch it, we are...Published 2006-05-18
April GAP Update
Dear Friends and Supporters, Thank you so much for your ongoing prayer and support of us in this ministry. I know that both Carolanne and I really do appreciate all the faithful prayer and support that you have shown to us. You will be encouraged to hear that this March we had over 2000 people who indicated decisions and rededications for Christ. We also estimate that we were able to help over 120 thousand people...Published 2006-04-24
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