James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Newsletters :: Archive

Entry-Level Mentoring

Over the past few months, we have been running a simplified version of our mentoring system which allows new mentors a gentle introduction to the whole concept of online mentoring.  The first version was really just a quick proof-of-concept that we built to see if the idea would fly. This simplified interface (we call it Level One) has already shown great promise to be helpful for new mentors by giving them a really easy way...
Published 2013-10-17

Latest Updates and a Free App

With the start of the new school year and the end of summer things have begun to pick up around here again.  Though it never really gets "slow", things definitely do ramp up in the fall. A New Devotional Series: Our film team has been spending a lot of time this spring and summer working on a story-based discovery series called Treasure: Jesus is Worth Everything. They have been incredibly busy working on this project...
Published 2013-09-20

Suicide Thanks

We got a really encouraging email recently from the mom of a suicidal visitor who was connected with one of our mentors.  Names have been changed for privacy. This is Martha's mom responding. Thank you so much for your support of Martha. You may have been a part of saving her life. I took her to the hospital about a week ago. She was admitted & is still there. She is safe thank God We...
Published 2013-09-19

A Few Encouraging Stories [and a newsletter change]

Today, I received an update from our director, Karen, with some more encouraging stories and thoughts from around the ministry.  I thought you might also like to hear them.  I have included much of her email verbatim with a few minor formatting changes. Also, you may notice that this email newsletter looks a little different from past ones I have sent.  I'm switching to a slightly different way of sending these, but you should still...
Published 2013-08-30

Global Daily September

Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers these past few months.  Life around TruthMedia has been pretty crazy lately due to some fairly significant reorganizing of how we function as a team. We are continuing to build our mentoring ministry and have formed some pretty amazing partnerships with people who have a similar passion to our own.  The partnership with JesusDaily on facebook is one of those and provides a tremendous opportunity...
Published 2013-08-28

Global Daily - June 2013

Every month I am asked to write a short update on a given topic for one of our supporting churches.  I often share these entries here as well for your encouragement and to inform you of what we are doing these days. Topic: What inspires you to keep doing the work you are doing? I am always inspired when I hear the stories of how my work is helping others lead people to Christ. One...
Published 2013-06-24

Some Encouraging Stories

Just thought I'd post a few stories we've had which have come into the websites and email boxes recently.  Thank you again for your prayers for us and the TruthMedia team as we respond in God's love to these people. A mom returning to work. She had suffered post-partom depression a while back and was nervous about the transition. She just needed just a bit of encouragement. She wrote: Many thanks for your insights and...
Published 2013-05-30

May Update

Recently I (James) have had the privilege of working on one of our athletic ministry sites called the Total Athlete Academy.  This site is designed to help athletes from around the world get the help, teaching, accountability, and encouragement they need to reach their full potential. Along the way we also introduce them to Jesus as being the only one who can truly fulfil their needs and change their lives. The athletes are matched with...
Published 2013-05-09

100,000 Teen Messages

This last week we hit a major milestone: the 100,000th teen message! The 100,000th message came from a girl we’ll call Beth. Her life is forever changed.  The conversation started with a simple question: Is there a solid way to stop cutting and get past it as a way of coping? As Beth and her mentor wrote back and forth a dark story emerged. Beth had experienced every type of abuse and was living in...
Published 2013-04-15

Februrary 2013 Update

Thank you for all your prayer and support for us over the past months. Life at Power to Change has been quite interesting lately. We're engaged in two major projects these days. The first is the development of The Life. Over the past year or two we have been helping with the development of a concept called The Life. The Life (found at www.thelife.com) is a call to commitment for Christians. Our part has been...
Published 2013-02-19

Help Us Share The Need!

One way that you could help us to get more of our funds raised is to share about us and our ministry with your friends on facebook. More than likely, you know many people that we don't, or perhaps whom we haven't thought of asking. Would you be willing to share our introduction letter with your friends on facebook? Something like this on your wall would be great: Some friends of mine, James and Carolanne,...
Published 2012-12-03

Great Recent Stories

God has been doing some amazing things in our ministry recently. I have posted a number of them on our facebook page, but I thought I would share a few of them with you here as well. One of the places where we connect with people on a more personal level is in our chat rooms. One of the chatters recently said that "if it wasn't for the people in the room that she would...
Published 2012-11-29

New Believer in Pakistan

One of the reasons that I love working in this ministry is that we are able to reach out to people around the world, even in some of the most closed countries.  One of the ways that we connect with people quite directly is through our chat rooms and regularly scheduled topical chats.  While I am not directly involved with the chats, it is my job to make sure those chat rooms continue to function...
Published 2012-10-22

November Global Daily

Every month Central Heights Church asks the missionaries they support to submit an entry for the “Global Daily” monthly prayer newsletter.  The question this month comes from Psalm 68:19 which says, “Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” The question is How has God carried you lately? Often it is on the hardest days that we feel God's presence most closely.  We have felt like we've...
Published 2012-10-19

October Update

Dear Friends and Supporters, I (James) wanted to write a quick update to let you know what has been taking place in our lives and ministry over the past few months. As you may have heard, one of our biggest projects this year has been the development of TheLife.com and the strategy for which it was built.  This has been an ongoing learning and development process for everyone involved, however the central purpose is to...
Published 2012-10-03
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