James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Newsletters :: Archive

Global Daily Sept 2012

Every month Central Heights Church asks the missionaries they support to submit an entry for the "Global Daily" monthly prayer newsletter.  For September, the topic is "How has God blessed you in the past year?" I have to say, we have felt incredibly blessed by the Lord over this past year.  We have been blessed with a great place to live and with great neighbours.  We have a lady who lives right next to us...
Published 2012-08-22

Off to Staff Conference

As of tomorrow, we're off to our annual Power to Change Staff Conference!  For those who don't know, every year Power to Change holds a Canada-wide staff conference where all the Canadian PTC staff get together for a week of inspiration, networking, team building and spiritual renewal.  There are approximately 500 staff (and potentially their families) who will be attending.  (I'm not certain on the exact numbers) Staff Conference is always somewhat of a challenge...
Published 2012-07-22

Global Daily for June

Question: Let us know about your activities, ministries, home assignment activities etc. for this summer. Answer: The nature of our ministry doesn't really change much with regard to the various seasons of the year. We do see somewhat smaller numbers at times during the summer, as people are often taking vacations and generally getting offline. We also often bring in a few summer interns to help them gain experience in web based ministry. During this...
Published 2012-06-26

Pray for Carolanne's Dad

Please pray for our family and especially Carolanne's dad these days.  Last Tuesday (May 28'th) he went in to the Abbotsford hospital with some chest and back pain.  The Dr's have diagnosed it as having been a minor heart attack however they have kept him there for observation and more testing to find out the cause and to confirm the diagnosis.  In the process, they have discovered that he also has leukaemia.  Today (Monday) he...
Published 2012-06-04

Video About My Job

I've often tried to explain exactly what I do to groups of people and usually end up getting somewhat of a blank stare in response.  Either I tend to make it too simple: "I work as a missionary on the Internet" OR I make it too complicated: "I help to build, code and maintain the back-end PHP/MySQL based systems and API's that enable our ministry to engage with website visitors who find us on the...
Published 2012-05-11

New Facebook Page

Hey all, Just a quick update to let you know we have created a brand new FaceBook page for our personal ministry updates.  If you would like to be informed when we post new items, you simply need to LIKE the page and our updates should start appearing in your FaceBook news feeds.  We'll try to keep things fairly up-to-date with current projects and exciting stories from the field.  We will still be sending out...
Published 2012-04-29

Recent Activities: The 35 Day Challenge

The past few weeks/months have seen our team incredibly busy with a new initiative called the 35 Day Challenge.  Designed as an evangelism training solution for Christians, the 35 day challenge can help you walk through the steps needed to learn how to share your faith effectively with other people. My part of this work has been in building the website and programming the technology that allows the website to function properly.  (yes, if you...
Published 2012-04-20

Global Daily for March 2012

Each month, I (James) write a short article in response to a specific question or two for our church.  I usually also post these here to give you a sense of what's going on in the ministry.  The following is the entry for this month. Question: How will you celebrate Easter and how do you share the message of Easter with the people where you are? Answer: We are very blessed to have both of...
Published 2012-03-28

Global Daily - March 2012

We have just come through a major project with Power to Change called TheLife.  TheLife is a challenge: to make the commitment to grab hold of God’s vision for your life.  To make your life count and do something that makes a difference for eternity, any time, any where, at any cost, to do any thing. As a symbol of their commitment we challenge followers of Christ to sign TheLife card as a physical reminder...
Published 2012-02-22

Global Daily - Jan. 2012

Every month, one of our supporting churches asks us to write in response to a question so that the congregation can get to know us better and pray for us more specifically.  This is our entry for January, 2012. Question: Tell us something from your childhood or early adult years which God has used to specially prepare you for who you are and what you're doing now. I (James) have often wondered at how God...
Published 2011-12-22

TruthMedia Impact

Members of our team recently put together this info-graphic and I think it does a really good job showing the impact of the ministry of TruthMedia.
Published 2011-12-17

Giving Instructions

It occurred to me today that while I have sent out a few emails asking people to consider giving a special gift this Christmas season, perhaps I haven't made the information on how people might do that very clear.  So, this is just a quick email to remind you how you can give to our ministry. The simplest way to give is probably to just send a cheque in to Power to Change with my...
Published 2011-12-13

Special Request

Dear Friends and Family, As you may know, we raise our finances by asking people to support us through giving one-time or monthly financial gifts. These tax deductible donations help to cover both James' salary as well as any expenses related to his ongoing work with TruthMedia which is part of Power to Change. Right now we have raised around 44% of the total amount we need to have raised. The missing portion is covered...
Published 2011-11-29

Mentoring Makes a Difference!

If you don't think that the websites or mentoring really makes a difference, here is a story from someone who's life was transformed... First of all thank you for that wonderful message. I think this is an awesome ministry. It was a life saver for me, and now I hope I can help it be for others. When I came to this site over a year ago, it helped change my life forever. I felt...
Published 2011-11-27

Recent Updates

Thank you so much for your ongoing prayer and support of us. This Christmas is going to be a bit different for us as James' dad (Loren) will have just recently had heart surgery and we're not sure yet what changes that will bring. Please pray for a quick recovery for him and for peace for the rest of us. Please pray also for TruthMedia as this can be a very busy time of year...
Published 2011-11-23
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