James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Newsletters :: Archive

Priscilla - A Mentor's Story

The following video shares the story of Priscilla who is a faithful mentor with The Life Project. What an amazing story of service and care from her heart. This is one of the many reasons why I love being a part of this ministry.
Published 2016-07-26

Staff Conference 2016

In just over a week, I (James) will be heading to Ontario for our national Power to Change staff conference. This conference is a great opportunity for the Canadian staff from across the country to come together for a week of renewed vision, training and celebration of what God has been doing through the various ministries in the organization. We meet together daily in worship and also attend various break-out sessions throughout the week. All...
Published 2016-07-06

Our Passion - June 2016 Newsletter

I would like to share a little bit with you about why it is that I continue in this ministry. Carolanne and I believe that God loves every person in this world passionately and longs to see each one return to a right relationship with Himself. In the sacrifice of Christ He made a way for each of us to be reconciled to Himself. As followers of Christ, we have been given the task of...
Published 2016-06-28

Feb-Mar 2016 Newsletter

Over the past few years, one-on-one mentoring has become more and more central to our ministry focus. People come from many countries in the world asking questions on our websites, and we try to match each of them to one of our mentors who can walk with them in prayer. It is amazing to see how these relationships can carry on for years as the mentors and mentees walk together along this spiritual journey. We...
Published 2016-02-22

Merry Christmas 2015

Dear Friends and Supporters, Merry Christmas! I trust you have had a blessed year and are having a wonderful Christmas. We just wanted to write a quick note to say Thank You to you for your prayer and support of us this past year. We truly appreciate having such a great team of friends standing with us in this ministry. It is very cool being a part of what God is doing in the lives...
Published 2015-12-25

February Updates

Spring is here again! Well, at least here in BC. The flowers are budding and the temperatures have been spring-ish. I'm glad to live here on the west coast instead of ... say ... Newfoundland. (or the rest of Canada) :) Carolanne and the kids have been quite enjoying the nice weather. As homeschoolers, they often go on field trips to various interesting and educational spots around the Fraser Valley, such as the fire hall, the zoo, the Blue Heron wildlife reserve or the local First Nations reserve to learn about their native culture.
Published 2015-02-27

Happy New Year 2015

I trust you’ve had a blessed Christmas and New Year as we welcome 2015. Carolanne and I spent the holidays celebrating with both of our families. Following that we took the weekend of the 27’th to celebrate our anniversary while my parents watched the kids. Our kids thoroughly enjoyed roasting marshmallows over the in-door “campfire” we got for grammy. Here are a few other pictures from our recent activities.
Published 2015-01-26

December 2014 Update

I wanted to write a quick update to let you know how things have been going in the ministry with Power to Change these past few months. There has been a lot of change around the ministry this year and I do not want you to be taken by surprise by news you might hear through "the grape vine".
Published 2014-12-10

Some Statistics

Normally, raw statistics are not all that inspiring. I thought these were worth sharing though. This is a glimpse into why I do what I do. So far today, there are 24 people who have indicated that they've decided to accept Jesus as their forever-friend. And the day isn't over yet.
Published 2014-10-10

September 2014 Newsletter

Dear Friends, This fall feels as though it is flying past. Thank you for your prayer and support of us during this past month. This newsletter is an expanded version of the Global Daily entry recently published on our site. There have been some pretty major changes around Power to Change and even our team over this past summer. One of these has been a name change. Our ministry (within the greater body of Power...
Published 2014-09-22

Global Daily Oct. 2014

Dear Friends, This fall feels as though it is flying past. Thank you for your prayer and support of us during this past month. There have been some pretty major changes around Power to Change and even our team over this past summer. One of these has been a name change. Our ministry (within the greater body of Power to Change) is now called The Life Project instead of TruthMedia. Our mission has not really...
Published 2014-09-22

Global Daily - September 2014

Dear Friends and Family, Thank you very much for remembering our ministry in prayer over this past summer. In the past few months, we have seen God’s hand of blessing on the efforts of our team and our many volunteers. People are hearing about God’s love and coming to know Jesus in a personal way. Our traffic has doubled over the past year. This last July we saw 1596 people tell us that they had...
Published 2014-08-21

Share Our Facebook Posts

Hey all! I know I have mentioned this in past newsletters, but I thought I would mention it again. If you would like to help us raise more support, one way that you can do that is by linking and/or re-sharing our facebook posts. There is one in particular that I just posted that would be a great place to start. This is a picture of what it will look like.  Click here or on...
Published 2014-03-17

March 2014 Update

Thank you so much for your prayer and support of us over these past months. I trust you have had a great start to this year. Our year so far with Power to Change has been filled with quite a number of interesting activities so far. As an experiment to help those who like to skim, I have bolded the interesting parts. I'd love to hear your feedback. I travelled back to Indonesia in mid-January...
Published 2014-03-12

Post-Indonesia Update

Thank you very much to all who prayed for and supported us on our recent trip to Indonesia. I feel that over-all the trip went really well. For those who didn't know, Sheldon (my supervisor) and I (James) went to Indonesia for a week in January in order to meet and coordinate with two programmers who have joined our team. Marcel and Shierly will be working with us for at least six months in order...
Published 2014-02-06
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